Fortaleza, Ceará

How foreigner visitors evaluate Fortaleza

Travel information
Nationalities of foreigners visiting Fortaleza

Mucuripe beach

Every year, Embratur, the Brazilian Travel Authority, conducts a survey to assess how foreigner tourists evalute their staying at the most popular Brazilian destinations, including Fortaleza. Questions are asked to tourists who spontaneously agree with participating, when they are about to leave the country.
The results of the survey are compiled in a report called Study of International Tourist Demand in Brazil; the latest version, year 2003 (big file, 3,65 MB, in Portuguese only, PDF format) is here.

The information relative to Fortaleza is found at the page 63 of the report. Below, a translation.

Purpose of the trip (%)
Tourism / Holidays 66.3
Visiting Family or Friends 15.0
Business / Conventions 13.6
Learning / Teaching 1.9
Religion / Pilgrimage 0.3
Other 2.9
Lodging (%)
Hotels 71.8
House of Friends / Relatives 18.1
Own House / Flat 6.9
Rented House / Flat 3.2
Factors of influence in the decision to visit Brazil (%)
Information from friends and relatives 62.0
Internet 15.5
Folders / Printed guides 12.0
Television 4.9
Magazines 2.8
Other 2.8
Travelling with whom (%)
With Family 36.8
With Friends 31.9
Alone 26.2
Other answers 5.1
Organization of the trip (%)
Not organized by travel agencies 70.5
Organized by travel agencies 29.5
Repeat trips to Brazil (%)
First time trip 39.7
Not first trip 60.3
Levels of Satisfaction (%)
Expectations exceeded 25.1
Expectations fully met 58.4
Expectations partially met 14.1
Disappointed 2.4
Intention of returning to Brazil (%)
Have the intention to return to Brazil 96.2
Do not have the intention to return to Brazil 3.8
Other cities visited in Brazil(%)
Rio de Janeiro 17.0
Salvador 15.2
Natal 12.2
Recife 12.0
Sao Paulo 9.0
Belém 6.4
Averagage staying in Fortaleza 10.43 days
Average daily spending per person US$ 79.72
Average annual income US$ 25,961.20
Age of Visitors (%)
18 - 27 y.o. 17.3
28 - 45 y.o. 55.6
46 - 65 y.o. 25.5
over 65 y.o. 1.6
Level of Education (%)
Basic / Elementary 6.1
High School / Intermediary 43.2
Superior 50.7
Occupation (%)
Trading sector 10.9
Student 7.2
Entrepreneur 6.7
Teacher / Professor 5.1
Housewife 4.3
Manager / Administrator 4.3
Hotels Evaluation (%)
Rating Hygiene Services Price
Excellent 33.0 33.8 23.1
Good 54.7 56.0 63.0
Regular 10.1 7.3 13.9
Bad 2.2 2.9 -

Restaurants Evaluation (%)
Rating Hygiene Services Food Quality Prices Regional food
Excellent 15.3 25.9 24.2 31.2 39.7
Good 65.4 62.6 61.0 55.5 48.9
Regular 16.6 10.1 13.4 12.2 10.0
Bad 2.7 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.4

Tourism Information (%)
Rating Availability of information Accuracy of information
Excellent 9.7 10.5
Good 65.3 67.7
Regular 22.6 19.4
Bad 2.4 2.4

Tourist Guides / Tour Operators(%)
Rating Services Time keeping
Excellent 42.1 38.4
Good 49.3 52.2
Regular 7.9 9.4
Bad 0.7 -

Most common complaints (%)
Dirty Public Space 20.4
Tourist Signalization 11.9
Public Safety 10.2
Telecommunications 8.4
Nightlife 3.3
Taxis 2.3

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